Monday, 30 March 2015

A week on land in pictures

We had a fantastic week in the cottage we rented in the Coromandel. Rather than write another long blog post I thought I'd document our week on land in pictures instead. Here are a few highlights from the week...

Beautiful waterfall off the 309 road

A stand of old Kauri trees on the track off the 309 road

Tree huggers - this one is about 500 years old. We couldn't even span half way around the trunk.

Stunning Coromandel Kauri forest off the 309 road

View of the Coromandel Harbour, Coromandel Town

Kennedy Bay, Eastern Coromandel

Burning our bums at Hot Water Beach - the thermal spring water is about 60 degrees celsius

We finally managed to dig a decent pool after the massive breaking waves subsided a little - we had to build ourselves a good breaker wall though

Golden sandy beaches near Cathedral Cove

Mid tide at Cathedral Cove

1 comment:

  1. Steve here again (previous owner/single hander).

    I just clicked on the most recent post and saw that you have concluded the sale of Desolina. Congrats to you.

    Sailing NZ is NOT easy as you have no doubt discovered. I definitely respect your decision to put your adventures on hold. All the best!
